Christy kim
Major aspects of power/language relationships
Major aspects of power/language relationships
1. power in discourse – concerned with discourse as a place where relations of power are
actually exercised
a . face to face discourse
b. cross-cultural discourse
c. ‘hidden power’ of discourse
2. power behind discourse – orders of discourse like social order
Power in Discourse
1. face to face in unequal encounter
a. powerful participants control and constrain the speech of non-powerful participants
1) 3 types of constraint
a) contents – on what is said or done
ex. medical student must do examination following a learned routine
b) relations – social relations people enter into a discourse
ex. professional relationship to audience & subordinate relationship to head doctor
c) subjects – the speakers social position(s) in a discourse
ex. aspiring doctor & student
1. what is happening is announced to the students including what they will do
2. they way the S is explicitly told when to start talking & examining – “off you go” sounds like she is speaking to a kid
3. equally explicit instructions to S for sequence of action
4. the way S are evaluated – “very good” & “that’s right” again speaking to a subordinate
5. S is ‘put on the spot’ – S is questioned followed by a pause which means S must answer while everyone is watching
6. grammatical forms
a. negative question (did we not, might we not) – the S should know they are wrong and the doctor is right (a way to make the S look stupid)
b. reduced question (now what do we do? What is the next important thing?) – sounds abrupt and rude or brief
c. declarative sentence instead of interrogative sentence with a question tag (don’t we?) – effect is like that of negative question
Directive speech acts (orders & questions) come from doctor
1. seems doctor has right to give orders and ask questions
2. seems like students can only follow orders and answer questions (follows subordinate position)
Discourse type (can indirectly control the discourse by choosing a certain discourse type)
*** note *** discourse type also self-constrains since everyone must now follow
the discourse type
2. Power in cross-cultural encounters – unequal encounter – ‘gatekeeper encounters’
a. socially dominant cultural group controls the encounter
1) dominant group tend so to assume minority group is familiar with dominant groups ways so
interpretations of actions can be incorrect by the dominant group and cause miscommunication
2) native-like ability can even cause more miscommunication since it increases the chances the dominat group will assume things
3. Hidden power – in written language especially mass media (nature of power relationship is not clear)
a. differences with face to face
1) ‘one-sidedness’ – only the media communicates info
2) no adaptation of language – face to face interactions adapt language type for the audience
all the time but media does not since it is for mass audiences
a) media – uses language for an ideal audience (who is the ideal audience? – dominant
cultural group)
b) what is the nature of power relations in media discourse?
1) producers have sole producing rights over the consumer so they can determine the
a) ex. Headline – industrial disputes use “trouble” or “disruption” so side with employers
2) in British media, power relations favor existing power-holders
a) this becomes ‘hidden power’ since it is implicit in the practices of the media
1. Stereotype ‘army wives’ and public figures - sexist
2. Shows Jenny is a ‘good wife’ without using the words directly
a) she expresses confidence in husband’s ability
b) she is concerned for his safety – she ‘prays’ he has ‘done enough’
c) she tries to act normally in front of the kids
3. photographs are not equal
a) eyes are looking straight ahead
b) serious expression
c) hint of a smile possibly cynical
c. hidden power in face to face interactions
1) close relationship between requests and power
a) direct – explicit power relationship
1) imperatives – ex. types this for me by 5 oclock
b) indirect – implicit
2) question form with different degrees of eloquence for effect
ex. Can you type this letter.?
Do you think you could type this letter…?
Could I possible ask you to type this letter…?
Debate Critique
The debate was a cross-cultural encounter between peers which is an unequal encounter. The reason for this is because of the language used during the discussion. The discussion was primarily controlled but those whose native language is English. It seemed as though the dominant group assumed the minority group understood everything as they did.
- Dominant group controlled the tempo and the flow of the debate.
- Although there were 4 members, the discussion occurred between the two native members primarily and seldom asked input from non-natives. This easily shows the unequal power distribution between the natives and non-natives.
- There was one male in the group and he took the lead and the females followed. It seems as natural gender roles of male dominance was as work.
- Sometimes one member of the dominant group spoke about something irrelevant and then an exchange occurred between the two dominant members.
- Over-talking occurred between members, specifically the native male over-talked a non-native female and made her stop speaking.
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